
Millers Flat School has opted into the Ministry of Education donations scheme - all stationery and licenses for Mathletics, Reading Eggs and StepsWeb programmes will be paid by the school.

Parents/caregivers will only be charged for overnight camps:

Fantail Room Camps - overnight at the Otago Museum (odd years)

Tui Room Camps - Mount Cook, Camp Columba (odd year), Ski Camp (annually at Coronet Peak), Wellington (odd year, Years 7 & 8 only)

Each child is supplied with either an i-pad or Chromebook for in school use.

Our school is a Community Library as part of the Central Otago Libraries. Your child will be given a joining form on school enrolment and is encouraged to take books home. We have several sessions within our school week to issue books plus the library is open to the public on Wednesday afternoons 3pm - 5pm and on Saturday Mornings 10am-12noon.

Ashton Scholastic Book Club is operated at the school. Twice a term families are given the opportunity to purchase high quality books. Order forms and money should be returned to school in a sealed envelope and placed in the box at the office.

A book fare operates at school in Term 4 each year.