School Buses
Our bus runs are privately owned and operated by John and Marise May - 0274154874
We have two runs:
Ettrick/Teviot/Raes Junction (0272018834)
Beaumont/Avenal Station/Timaburn Road (0273237092)
A school high visual vest is supplied to each child and needs to be worn to and from school every day.
If your child is not going to catch the bus in the morning please inform the bus driver of that run (see cell phone number above) before 7.30am.
If your child is not to catch the bus home for any reason, you must contact us, either by text to the school cell or on the school answer phone, before 2.40pm. Please note that without parent/caregiver notification of a change, your child will be put on the bus run and if a parent/caregiver is not present to meet the bus, they will return to wait at school.
If your child is to go on a bus route that they do not usually travel on, you will need to send a note with your child along to school in the morning. Please note that on occasion there is not enough space on the buses for extra children.